Saturday, February 15, 2014


when i am around people, i feel like i have to shake them up, drag them into reality
or just avoid their spirit altogether
i feel like if we are going to coexist i will have to out-insane them
by holding up a mirror, saying every real thing in my mind out loud

i am not a fear-motivated person
and it seems rare to not be motivated by fear
and men and women are very different when motivated by something besides fear,
something like purpose
and when fear is not the motivator, men and women can be as different as can be and it is not a problem at all because they can see each other and see the usefulness of each other
but when men and women are just trying to escape their fear, they are both fighting for the same tiny tiny safe space and see each other as rivals and enemies and shit gets real bad. lovers can share the safe space for a while, but then one or the other will get extra scared and take more and the other person will just be out there afraid and alone

i dont know what can could should happen
and i don't even care
and it feels 
to not care one bit
what any of this means
it's happening
that's all
i'm already here

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